Arthur Hewitt
Plot V, Lot 132
Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto
When their small boat overturned late in the afternoon of June 11, 1911 in a violent squall off Lorne Park, a small summer cottage community on the shores of Lake Ontario a few miles west of Toronto, 18-year-old St. Andrew’s College student Arthur Hewitt placed his two younger companions on top of their capsized dinghy and swam for shore to get help. Unfortunately, the heavy swells caused by the storm were too much for Arthur Hewitt. His powerful strokes slowed and soon Hewitt slipped beneath the waves and drowned. The other boys, ages 10 and 13, were eventually saved. The marker on the young man’s grave is inscribed with the words “Gave His Life to Save Others.”
Mike Filey
Mount Pleasant Cemetery: An Illustrated Guide
Second Edition Revised and Expanded