John Catto
Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto
John Catto was born in Fraserburgh, Scotland in 1833, emigrated to St. John’s, Newfoundland when he was 19, and settled in Toronto in 1854 where he obtained employment in the shop of Peter Paterson, the leading dry goods merchant of the day. Ten years later Catto opened his own shop on the south side of King Street East opposite Toronto Street. Back then, this part of King Street was right in the centre of the city’s main shopping district. It was in this store that Catto introduced Canadian shoppers to Scottish clan and family tartans imported directly from the “old country.”
Catto remained at his King Street location for 56 years until the addition to the King Edward Hotel forced his removal to 219-223 Yonge Street near the corner of Shuter. He continued to attend to store business until well after his 95th birthday. Catto, the oldest Scotsman living in Canada, died at his residence, 188 Bloor Street East on September 7, 1928.
Mike Filey
Mount Pleasant Cemetery: An Illustrated Guide
Second Edition Revised and Expanded