Luigi Von Kunits
Plot 15, Section 6, Lot 37
Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto
Born and educated in Vienna, Austria, Von Kunits’ musical abilities as a child violinist were recognised and admired by such well-known luminaries of the day as Johannes Brahms and Johann Strauss. After extensive studies with the best teachers, Von Kunits spent two years giving concerts throughout Europe, the United States, and Canada before deciding, in 1912, to make Toronto his new home. In 1923, he called together a number of the city’s best musicians and established what was at first called the New Symphony Orchestra, a name that was changed in 1927 to the present Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Von Kunits continued to conduct the Symphony right up to his death which occurred at his 29 Rose Avenue residence on October 8, 1931. He was only 61-years-old.
Mike Filey
Mount Pleasant Cemetery: An Illustrated Guide
Second Edition Revised and Expanded