A. E. Ames

Plot 2, Lot 8
Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto

A. E.  Ames was born in Lambeth, Ontario in 1867 and commenced his business career in the Merchants Bank in Owen Sound. Over the next few years he held various positions in a number of banks, returning to Toronto is 1889 where he started his own financial business which he called A.E. Ames Company.

Investment banking was comparatively new at that time and Ames was a pioneer in the field. Soon he became involved in the brokerage business entering the area of municipal and government bonds early in the century. Again he was a pioneer. It was due in large measure to Ames’ diligence that Canada’s first Victory Loan in 1917 was an unqualified success.

Ames’ large estate on the Kingston Road, complete with a nine-hole golf course was called Glen Stewart and it was here that he passed away on September 20, 1934. Two streets in the area recall Alfred Ernest Ames, Glen Stewart Avenue and Glen Ames Road.

Mike Filey
Mount Pleasant Cemetery: An Illustrated Guide
Second Edition Revised and Expanded

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