Noel C. Marshall
Plot L, Section 34, Lot 13
Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto
A member of the Toronto Flying Club, 23-year-old student pilot Noel Marshall was killed on the afternoon of April 23, 1929 when the small MOTH biplane (G-CAVF ”Miss Toronto“) in which he was a passenger, plummeted to earth as it departed from the flying club’s airfield that straddled today’s Eglinton Avenue and Laird Drive intersection in Leaside. Also killed was his instructor, and cousin, 28-year-old William Mackenzie (Plot 10, Lot 27). The Toronto Flying Club had been organized in 1928 and continued to use the Leaside airfield until 1931, when the redevelopment of the area as an industrial subdivision made its operation unsafe.
Mike Filey
Mount Pleasant Cemetery: An Illustrated Guide
Second Edition Revised and Expanded