Percy Johnston

Section 8, Lot 975
Pine Hills Cemetery

Henry “Percy” Johnston was inducted into the Canadian Speed Skating Hall of Fame in May, 1966 for “contributions to and achievements in the field of speed skating.” In the late 1920s Percy Johnston set world records in the five-, three-, and three-quarter-mile events at skating meets in Canada and the United States. In 1928, he joined a team in Detroit, and earned a pair of silver blades. He collected more than 130 medals and trophies during his years in the sport. Johnston bought his skates from the late Harold Ballard (before Ballard acquired the Toronto Maple Leafs) and had his skates sharpened by the same man who sharpened skates for the Leafs. He turned to coaching after retiring from competition. Mr. Johnston was 85 years old when he died in July, 1988.

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