George Radford
Section 35, Lot 1121
Prospect Cemetery
One of Canada’s best known florists was a man called George Radford. Born in Toronto, he started working after school in Miller’s flower shop in York, later joining Cira’s fruit and flower vendors on Yonge Street, north of St. Clair Avenue. He opened his own store, Radford House of Flowers, in 1960. He was active in community affairs and played a key role in Canada’s association of professional florists. In 1967 he was chairman of the meeting which brought Flowers Canada (Ont.) into being. For many years he was active in North York Kiwanis; he sponsored minor hockey teams; and, was chairman of the board of directors of Asbury and West United Church. As a member of the education committee of Flowers Canada, he helped to found a retail floriculture course at Humber College. A victim of stomach cancer, Radford was a strong supporter of the annual daffodil parade to raise money for cancer research. He died in Sunnybrook Medical Centre on Sunday, November 10, 1985.