James B. Boustead

Section I, Lot 139
Toronto Necropolis

Born in 1835, Boustead entered civic politics as a City Councilman for St. David’s Ward in 1865. In 1866 he was elected City Councilman for St. James’ Ward. In 1867, the office of Councilman as abolished and tree Aldermen were elected from each ward, to hold office or three years, retiring in rotation. Boustead either did not run, or was not elected that year. He was elected Alderman for St. James’ Ward in 1869; did not hold office in 1873, but was re-elected in 1874. Again, he was out of office in 1877, but re-elected in 1878; and again in 1886, serving until 1891. In 1892, the Wards were re-arranged and numbered, but Boustead did not hold office again until 1896, we he was elected in Ward 3. Boustead died on April 11, 1902, having devoted almost three decades to civic politics.

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