Governing Legislation
Purpose, Mission and Guiding Principles
Respect in the Workplace
How We Are Governed
- Our Boards
- Our Committees
Our Directors
- Annual General Meeting
- Governance Responsibilities
- Conflict of Interest
- Evaluation
Our Employees
Pricing and Cost Information
Our Senior Leadership
Our Site Management
Audited Financials
Years In Review
Careers at MPG
Protecting Your Privacy
Feedback and Complaint Process
MPGC Cemetery By-laws
MPGC Corporate By-laws
Mount Pleasant Group Introduces Private Bill
For almost 200 years, the Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries has provided compassionate care and choice to families and communities across the Greater Toronto Area. MPG has applied for a private bill (“Bill”) with the Government of Ontario to effectively codify a unanimous decision by the Ontario Court of Appeal handed down in May 2020. Legislation drafted in the 19th century is being modernized so the organization can serve its community in the 21st century.
Like the Court did, the Bill:
• affirms MPG’s legal status as a not-for-profit, non-share capital funeral service provider and cemetery operator; and
• confirms its corporate objects, purposes, and governance structure.
The Bill proposes to supplant 13 current pieces of Ontario legislation dealing with MPG’s creation, governance structure and sale and/or purchasing of lands and replaces them with one modern statute. MPG is the only organization impacted by this private bill, like other administrative private bills introduced in the province.
The Bill has been introduced in the Ontario Legislature, and currently awaits second reading.
Should you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at